About RKCC

For over 70 years, the adventures of Fix & Foxi have delighted children and adults alike. The two cheeky foxes and their friends have become cult figures that are inextricably linked to German comic history. We, Rolf Kauka's Comicosmos (RKCC) based in Liechtenstein, hold the exclusive rights to Fix & Foxi and ensure that the popular characters continue to capture people's hearts in the future. As the owner or sole authorized person of all licensing rights of the Rolf Kauka Comicosmos, with the exception of the “Bussi Bär" theme complex from the Rolf Kauka - Comicosmos, the preservation and further development of the extensive Fix & Foxi universe is very important to us. Our goal is to preserve the unique world of Fix & Foxi and make it accessible for future generations, to create new adventures and stories with the popular characters, to carry the Fix & Foxi brand into the present and future through innovative products and licenses, and to convey values ​​such as friendship, adventure and solidarity. Together with our partners, we bring the world of Fix & Foxi to life and ensure unforgettable moments for children and adults all over the world.